onsdag den 23. november 2011

No fear necessary - A guidebook in failing for Europeans

- by Jakub Bares

My definition of entrepreneurship is “Asking smart questions and finding most relevant answers”.
The bigger variety of sources and points of view the better. 
In a sense, your own opinion doesn't matter, because it moves faster than a river. What matters is how you fin relevant points of view for the given problem you are trying to solve at the given time.
As result, the mind of an entrepreneur is a mosaic of interchangeable parts - each reflecting nothing more than the current best point of view.

POV 1:  Failure vs. Collapse - The truth about innovation

Most ideas are bad!.  9 out of 10 startups fail.

The other side of the coin is that US job growth is “entirely run” by startups  Study named “The Importance of Startups in Job Creation and Job Destruction” states that between 1977 and 2005, existing firms are net job destroyers, losing 1 million jobs net combined per year. By contrast, in their first year, new firms add an average of 3 million jobs,

See these articles:
Something is happening here.

Big Shift - Why it Matters
The Power of Pull, How Small Moves, Smartly Made Can Set Big Things in Motion

POV 2: How do you fail and win at the same time? 

"My willingness to fail, gives me ability to succeed" 
- Vinad Khosla

Problem = Opportunity

Wrong is necessary to understand right.

If you haven`t failed before, VCs wont trust you have enough experience”
- Manu Kumar (K9 Ventures

The most important thing you can lose is time.

“Don`t even doubt it, your idea sucks, now go do it anyway”  

POV 3: Learning to swim 

 “Entrepreneurship is the management discipline that deals with situations of high uncertainty”
Eric Ries 

“The goal cannot be reduction of uncertainty, but to build capacity to live creatively within uncertainty”
-  Tim Kastelle

Definition of entrepreneurship: “Insane perseverance in the face of complete resistance”

POV 4: Vision

“The entrepreneurs who make it, are focused on the vision and have unreasonable expectations that the world will be as they see it…

The key is that they see a world that is different from the world they live in now. That gets them through any the obstacle” Frank Chen (Andreessen Horowitz)

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